Yearly Archives: 2024

7 posts

Club Update August 27

Hello Sun and Snow Lovers! Summer is quickly winding down, the State Fair is on, a pretty rough storm rolled through last night and the days are getting shorter.  I can almost see the first snow from here……. Read on for a reminder on the early trip sign-up deadline, September […]

Update July 15, 2024

Hello Summertime friends! It’s been a few weeks since the last update on our scheduled activities so please read through this as there are several new events plus an invitation to participate on our Club Board of Directors.   First – we still have space for the Apostle Islands Kayak Adventure.   Please sign up for […]

Update May 7, 2024

Hello Snow and Springtime Fans!! Spring is here in full bloom and while our ‘no-snow’ winter has long faded, we have a new line-up of fun events and locations for delicious libations and fodder.  We’ll visit some new locations, partake in some new activities and return to some perennial club favorites.   This […]

Updates for the Week of April 8, 2024

Hello Club!! Two Updates for this week:  Remeber the Annual Spring Banquet is coming up soon-Saturday April 27, 5:30pm.  See the link.  Registration must be mailed in before April 19.  New Summer Event-Paddle, Pinot and Porter; sea kayaking in the Apostle Islands. Our Club has organized a new, fun event […]

Update February 7, 2024

Greetings Snow Lovers!!!!   Another week in MN/WI of crazy warm weather resulting in no snow left or snow falling. The local hills and MN/WI/UP resorts are all trying to keep it going so let’s not give up …. quite….. yet. The Club trip to Jackson Hole was great with […]