Summer Celebration + Silent Auction

Hello club members and friends!

We have good news! We decided to have a Summer Celebration + Silent Auction on Friday August 6 (RSVP here), to ease us back into our new club rhythm. As many of you know, we traditionally hold a Year End Banquet where we dress up to celebrate and review the activities from the past year. This included the Awards Show, Video presentation, and Silent Auction. Last year, we skipped all these completely. This year, we adapt!

Join our Summer Celebration at Bungarten’s beautiful backyard (RSVP here) for a delicious meal from locally owned Ted Cook’s 19th Hole Barbecue. We will have a cash bar for beverages, yard games for entertainment, and a smaller silent auction than we may be used to. Also, Felix is working on a creative video presentation to fit the season. An evening of food and entertainment for only $25 per member and $35 for non-members.

Please consider donating an item (or service) to our silent auction. This fundraiser helps our club to subsidize events like our Meet & Skis, Membership Drive, Trip Signup Night, Year End Banquet, and other events during the season. We appreciate the talents within this club! Baking, Woodworking, Handyman Services, Massage, Potted Plants, Garden Baskets, Outdoor Adventures, Saints Games, Homecooked Dinners, Skiing date… these are all items mentioned by our great members! Please send your donations to Joanne at or call 651-736-8441 (phone call only, no text to this number). See the Donation Form on the party’s website or contact Joanne.

RSVP here today or send an email to Joanne.

Hope to see you and a friend on Friday, August 6th in Shoreview!

Happy Summer!
