Update July 15, 2024

Hello Summertime friends!

It’s been a few weeks since the last update on our scheduled activities so please read through this as there are several new events plus an invitation to participate on our Club Board of Directors.   First – we still have space for the Apostle Islands Kayak Adventure.   Please sign up for a trip of a lifetime!    The popular Annual Wine Tasting Event planning is coming along and you can sign up for one of the coveted spaces.

1.  Sea Kayak in the Apostle Islands

We still have some space so if your calendar is freed up and you need some major outdoor time you can still sign up.  To date – six of us are going.This new event is through Wilderness Inquiry.   We have reserved space for a thrilling adventure from Thursday July 18th – Sunday July 21st, 2024: Paddle, Pinot and Porter Kayak/Camp trip on Lake Superior/ Apostle Islands National Seashore Area near Bayfield, WI.  By day it’s sea kayaking while exploring the islands and sea caves and in the evening exploring local wineries and breweries.  This link shows the site and experience:   Apostle Islands Paddle, Pinot, and Porter – Wilderness Inquiry

We have reserved a ‘pod’ of platform tents (cots on a platform covered by a tent) in the private Wilderness Inquiry owned Little Sand Bay Base Camp area that includes showers, toilet facilities, campfire area, covered pavilion, indoor space and more for our Club.  There is room for 12 people.  The cost is $745 and includes the facilities, equipment (e.g. kayaks, life jackets, tents, etc), 2 guides and most of the food for the 4 day/3 night adventure.  You are responsible for your own transportation to and from Bayfield, WI and we’ll try to connect those interested in carpooling.  This video shows everything about the site:  Wilderness Inquiry’s Little Sand Bay Base Camp at the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (youtube.com)   It looks like a really fun adventure!!!   Hope you can join in and have an experience of a lifetime!
Next steps: 
1. Registration is now at this link:     https://www.wildernessinquiry.org/event/EVT22043/
Sign-up as soon as you can before Wilderness releases the rest of our space. 
2. After you register with Wilderness Inquiry also RSVP to Hootline so we can know who is going, will add you to the Paddle WhatsApp group and keep you informed on updates and ride sharing plans.  Paddle, Pinot & Porter Lake Superior Apostle Island – Hootline
3.  If you have questions, please let me know.  We are planning for pre-trip meeting/social hour to plan for carpooling,etc.

2.  Grand Tasting Wine and Spirit Tour – Three Countries in One Evening

Saturday August 10th, 2024; Reception at 5:30 pm and tasting begins at 6:00 pm.
Home of Ross and Angela McLean
9423 Haralson Road
Woodbury, MN
Guest limit is 36 people and is $40.00 per person.   So please RSVP below and then send your check to:
3M Ski Club
PO Box 97
Bayport, MN
Once the space is filled with the RSVPs, you will no longer be able to sign-up.
Questions:  Contact Chris Peterson (email above) at

3.  Call for applicants for new BOARD members.

Each year we invite anyone interested in serving on the Board to submit your name and the position you are interested in.  Here is our current Board and roles:  Contacts – Hootline
All are welcome.  Board members commit to attending the monthly Board meetings that include updates on our finances, membership, trip and program committee updates, event planning and other relevant discussions.  It’s a great way to support our club and help develop the major event plans.   If interested please contact: Ben Gandy – Club President at begandy@solventum.com.
If you have any suggestions on activities or events, please let the Program Committee (copied above) as we are always looking for new places and new experiences.  Thanks for your support to the Club and hope to see you soon at one of the upcoming events.