May President’s Note

Hello snow lovers!

You guessed it, it’s time for another report on all the club’s fun happenings.

As this summer begins, we will continue to be creative this summer… which will surely bring some new fun events for us to continue in the coming years. Grab your clubs and join us for 9 or 18 holes of Golf at Oak Marsh on May 23. Best ball, individual scores, we don’t know what is for sure other than fun. Then on May 27, meet us at Cabin 61 in White Bear Lake for discussions of our upcoming events. Remember to RSVP here on the website to be included!

But let’s revisit the recent events. In March we tried out a new, last minute, meet & ski at Lutsen Mountain. It was a perfect success! We had 15 members who met on Minnesota’s North Shore. We had on-slope shenanigans and COVID-compliant dinners at area restaurants. Let us know where you might want a last minute trip next season!

On April 1st, it was no fooling! We brought back in-person Thirsty Thursdays. By attendance, we were clearly excited for outdoor life on the patio. We met at 3rd Act Brewery in Woodbury, followed by Matchsticks in Stillwater, then Sak’s in Vadnais Heights. We heard the Princess Patrol even brought fun to the doorstep!

We are thankful to Bob for opening his garage door and let us prepare our skis and boards for storage with a fantastic Waxing Party. And what a fun time! Bob was so kind to wax and deliver a member’s skis while she was at work. Now that’s what club membership is all about!

As this past season ends, I personally say a thunderous THANK YOU to the entire 2020-2021 Board. Leading during Covid Season had many great challenges that no one wishes on any friend or foe… and we’ve done our best to lead our members through to have a safe, fun, and memorable Snow Season. With that, we must give a special THANK YOU to Bob Fagerlund for the fresh powder ideas he brought with him as he departs the Programs Co-Chair position. Thank you, Bob!

We invite all members to Join the Board! While 3M employees must hold specific roles, we welcome all members to join the board and volunteer to keep this club fun and moving forward. It’s a volunteer position with some perks and expectations as far as you can throw. Click here to read more or email/call me directly (visit the Contacts page). If you’d like to nominate yourself or another for a position, please let any board member know. Not a 3Mer? We always welcome you to join the board with member engagement positions. All are welcome!

Not sure what the Board does? In June and July, Twisty Thursdays will take a new thirst. (See what I did there?!) Join us for a Board meeting PLUS Happy Hour at member backyards. Similar to what we do at Welch Village Meet & Skis, join us on June 10th in Shoreview; July 8th in White Bear Lake. Watch your inbox for the twisty details!

Save the Date for another creative twist. Our Year End ‘Backyard’ Banquet will surely bring out the best of the best! August 6th we’ll host a backyard banquet in Shoreview. We’d love your unique silent auction donations to help the club continue these fun member events. Please start thinking about and/or gathering your donations now.

And trips for 2021-2022 season are planned and ready for you to reserve a spot! Watch this website and your inboxes for more information from Ross about Zermatt Resort, Utah (Feb 2022) and Italy (March 2022). With these two trips offering so much terrain, it will definitely challenge your tracking app for “Most Miles Skied”!

In the meantime, we have loads more coming ahead for summer! Show up to an event to hear the sneak previews and let us know what you’re thinking, too.

See you soon!

2020-2021 President