Welcome the 2022-2023 Board!

President Ben Gandy thanks the past year’s board as well as welcomes our new Programs Chair, Janet Prust, and Interim Webmaster, Pete Balm. The entire board gives a BIG THANK YOU to Ben Bungarten for his numerous years of volunteering as Webmaster and Publicity Chair and to Michele Ring for past leadership as Programs Chair.

Elected Positions

President, Ben Gandy
VP of Membership & Marketing, Joanne Harvala
VP of Trips, Ross McLean
Treasurer, Gary Heaser
Secretary, Sue Malecha
Programs Chair, Janet Prust
* Programs Committee includes Michele Ring, Sue Malecha, and Felix Lin

Appointed Positions

Webmaster, Pete Balm (interim, until someone else might like to manage the website)
Auditor, Char Franey
Historian, Felix Lin (and Facebook Admin)
Member-at-Large, Felix Lin

As we transition into our next season, feel free to renew your Club Membership today and get on the mailing list for the latest info on our 2022-2023 season.

Watch for more summer activities to come!