Calling all Volunteers!

Ever wonder how the club decides when and where to ski, board, and socialize? Nominate yourself for an upcoming Board position. Some positions are elected while others are appointed. It’s time to nominate next season’s club leaders.

New Webmaster Needed

Our current webmaster, Ben B, alerted us that he will be leaving the post of updating the website. However, he’s absolutely willing to train someone in on how to be the club’s webmaster. If you have some talent for making web posts, consider helping out. If interested or would like more info, reply to this email or let a board member know. We continue to thank Ben B for all of his hard work over the years on the newsletter, transitioning the club to a modern website, and managing the website with RSVP links. Thank you, Ben!

Board Positions

Elected by Membership: President, VP Trips, VP Membership, Treasurer, Secretary.

Trip Leaders (elected by Board)

Each trip, we ask 2 volunteers to help coordinate trips. If you’re interested in next year’s trips, this is a great way to get involved and steer the fun on a trip!

Other Board Positions

Appointed by President: Auditor, Historian, Member-at-Large, Webmaster, MSC Rep.

You can find the club’s current by-laws, including descriptions of each position on the About Us page. Otherwise, feel free to ask any of the board members!